Foto: HK Madrid / Otovo
The Founder of Otovo had high ambitions already from start in 2016 when he launched Otovo leaving a successful career in media. Within less than two years more than 100 000 homes had explored their potential for a solar-powered home online using Otovo’s algorithm.

We try to help people make the decision to start making their own power. When you enter the address on otovo.no you get a description of which project is the best at that address, how much money you can save and how your solar panels will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In Denmark, 100,000 households have power from solar cells, in Sweden, the number is 10,000 and rising sharply, while in Norway there are still only 3,000 homes that generate their own solar energy. We believe it is exploding now, and that the 100,000 roofs we have checked may be covered with solar cells within a decade. At a time when the electricity price is rising, the payback time is less than 10 years this means according to Thorsheim that the marked will double. And the solar panels are more and more efficient.
If OTOVO can make it within the Solar Power Business in Norway with its cheap prices on already renewable electricity, it’s high labor cost and its often not so sunny climate, then we can make it anywhere.
Andreas Thorsheim, OTOVO
Otovo’s aim is to build a leading distributed energy company providing Europeans with clean, abundant and inexpensive energy made nearby. Otovo makes solar power easy for households. We have a proprietary technology to algorithmically plan and price solar projects and an online sales platform to show customers the results. With solar loans, we remove the financial barriers to going solar in Europe.
Join the solar cell revolution now!

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