The UN Climate Summit, New York September 21.-23 2019.
Denmark is represented by the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Minister of Climate, Energy, and Supply and the Minister of Development. Also, Denmark’s special envoy for climate and energy, Ditlev Engel, participates. Denmark has been appointed to lead the energy transfer together with Ethiopia and Sustainable Energy for All Organization.

The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Supply
The government will be at the forefront of efforts to attract more private investment into green energy at a global level. The need for investment is enormous and far more funds from private investors must be channeled if the green transition is to succeed in time. When Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply Dan Jรธrgensen is in New York in the coming days to attend the UN Climate Summit, time must be spent on securing far more investments in the green transition. Denmark is among the countries in the world that have the best experience in creating good framework conditions that can attract private investment to the green transition from large private players, such as pension funds and investment banks. โWe must succeed in the green transformation of the world economy. It requires huge investments. Therefore, it must be made more attractive to invest green instead of black. In Denmark, we have a really good experience in securing the good framework necessary for private investment in the green transition. We would like to share this experience with the rest of the world, โsays Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply Dan Jรธrgensen. Renewable energy and energy efficiency can deliver 90 percent. of the CO2 reductions needed by 2050. But intensive and targeted work must be done, and massive investments must be made, first and foremost in the energy sector. This requires an extensive mobilization of private investment in the green transition. โNationally, with the 70 percent target, we have set perhaps the world’s most ambitious climate targets. Internationally, I work to strengthen global cooperation so that we can create much better framework conditions for private investors globally, โsays Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply Dan Jรธrgensen. Prior to the summit, Dan Jรธrgensen met with US Secretary of State David Bernhardt to discuss the possibilities of a growing US ocean wind market. The minister also meets with members of Congress and speaks for international students at the acclaimed University of Maryland.
Ministry of Climate Change’s new organization will support ambitious climate goals
The Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Supply is undergoing a radical organizational change to ensure that the civil service’s focus on the government’s ambitious climate goals is clear – and drives the necessary action and change. The employees will work in a new organization where the government’s ambitious climate targets have been incorporated into the Ministry’s structures – and DNA. Everyone in the new flexible organization will work directly towards the government’s goal of climate neutrality. The classic pillars and offices have been replaced with centers and professional teams.
Denmark must once again take on global green leadership. And this only happens if we think climate into everything we do – and embrace new ideas and technologies. My ministry’s new way of working creates a clear direction for the employees – and puts the climate targets first.
Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply Dan Jรธrgensen.
In the Ministry of Climate-neutral Denmark, the Ministry will be responsible for the work on the green transformation of everything but the supply area, including digitalization. The Center for Green Restructuring will be responsible for bringing the green transition of the utilities sector to the finish. The Center for Global Climate Action will be responsible for the Ministry’s international efforts to increase green ambitions globally and ensure robust and clear international climate rules. In addition, the Ministry will have a Center for Vision and Strategy, which will drive the work of linking the government’s vision and ambition for a completely green future to operational strategy, development plans, and implementation – and link to the important communication work of the Ministry and the Minister.
Today, we set the framework for a whole new ministry, where no employees have any doubts about what we should do. Meaning is not something we need to speak up. The drive and commitment are naturally high. But as an obviously purpose-driven organization, the operational goals must be just as clear-cut for everyone.
Head of Department Morten Bรฆk.
Finally, the ministry’s new Center for Governance and Implementation must create an effective and agile framework for the organization, so that the green goals can be delivered.
See map of the new organization