The documentary follows Greta Thunberg, a teenage climate activist from Sweden, on her international crusade to get people to listen to scientists about the world’s environmental problems. See…
Carbon is notorious for its contribution to climate change. Its ubiquitous presence in our atmosphere subjects it to vilification for environmental degradation.…
Filmmaker Michael Moore visits various countries to examine how Europeans view work, education, health care, sex, equality, and other issues. From cafeteria…
Roger & Me is a 1989 American film written, produced, directed by and starring Michael Moore, in his directorial debut. Moore portrays the regional economic…
Vox Review: Michael Moore no longer wants to make you angry. That’s a weird departure for the filmmaker whose documentaries (Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko,etc.) have become known for…
Bowling for Columbine is a 2002 American documentary film written, produced, directed, and narrated by Michael Moore. The film explores what Moore suggests are the primary…
Only back then in the 2000 Election and onwards it was George W. Bush. He did not kill 210.000 Americans, he started wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Scary…