A Whale’s Tale

Photocopyright University of Bergen Warning: article contains a graphic image By Sol Torkildsen-Espeland Sadly, the first documented goose-beaked whale to be found in Norway stranded at the West coast outside Bergen in January 2017. The whale got stuck in shallow waters repeatedly…

Donald Trump, Democracy and Media

Brilliantly clairvoyant editorial illustration by Christian Bloom in Norwegian newspaper VG December 3. 2016. In 2016 the political world as we know it was altered;  Brexit and the millions only days after regretting their democratic vote, the failed coup in Turkey…

Why Bergensia – The Sustainable Gazette?

United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development is the largest assignment of our time. We are the first generation that can end poverty, the last that can end climate changeUN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2007-16). Bergensia pushes and inspires leaders, businesses,…
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